
Reader's Digest

As previously mentioned I toned back my reading this month and worked on projects more but here are the few gems that I picked out. I started the month by reading another Judith McNaught and ended with a wonderful new one.

I was very weary of this one when I started it because it's a little different. It's the story of a teacher who is kidnapped by a famous movie star who has recently escaped from prison. I know what you're thinking and that's exactly what I thought....wacko! It took me a minute to get into it but I ended up loving it. They're stuck in the mountains hiding out from the cops after he hijacks her car at a coffee shop and they're totally awkward and end up being totally cute! You'll love it!

This I absolutely loved this book. It is a very different book and at times a little hard to follow. It takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where everything is dangerous and the only stable thing in the world is the Road. The father and son encounter all sorts of people in different states of desperate. The ending is a little different, just like the rest of the book. Chris recommended this book to me months ago and I spaced it but he recommended it to me again and I ended up reading it the same time as my dad. I HIGHLY recommend it, but you better read fast, the movie comes out October 16!!
I know I read another book at some point in between those two but I can't recall what it was right now so I'll let you know when it comes to me!

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