
Life is a Countdown

My birthday is tomorrow. I'm officially leaving teenager-hood to become a bonified adult, just in time to get married. What differences there really will be I'm not sure. Essentially I plan to continue in my ways until the day I die so what does one more day mean, right? I'm still going to love Elvis more than anything, rock out to The Beatles and remember the most amazing night of my life was with Erin and Martha at the Beach Boys concert. I don't think those are childish at all, but hey, that's just me. I'm really not sad about turning 20 because honestly people, we all get older every year. It's the same story that never changes, days turn into weeks, that turn into months, that turn into years and yet people seem to forget this and always seem shocked that every day that passes means they are getting older. Stop freaking out people, everybody else in the world is getting old too. Think about it, we have birthdays until we die so at least you're not at that point yet! Party it up, play lots and laugh even more! Personally I plan on spending my birthday running around like a mad woman....yes, I guess I'm officially a "woman" now, yuck. Ethan will actually be in town, you're surprised I know (me too), so we get to take our engagement pictures. And fortunately for us we get to take them at 7:30 in the morning!! Lucky us. After that we get to run around looking for ties for the guys to wear at the reception. Wahoo for me. Then after all that running I get to ditch Eth and go to my bridal fitting!! I am actually rather excited because I absolutely LOVE my dress! After said fitting, I'll meet up with Ethan again and look for tuxes for him. So Happy 2oth to me.
On another countdown note however, there's only 49 days left until we get married!! It's totally insane! I know what you're thinking, barely over a month and you're just doing engagement pictures now?! Well, meet Kylar. I'm kind of a last minute-throw together-hope it turns out alright kind of person. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson after 20 years of projects gone wrong, or barely scraping by. However, I haven't. I'm fairly confident in this one though. I've got my mom to help and I'm pretty sure that's going to make the difference. Plus hi, everybody else that my mom has helping us plan everything, has done a million and one of these events. Soooo I'm fairly confident that everyone else knows what their doing!

1 comment:

Martha said...

Happy Birthday Tomorrow!!!