
True Love

The one thing I love more than Elvis would be reading!! Last summer I posted a lot about reading and my opinions on the books I read and now I have an even better solution!! I just discovered a website that I can't believe I lived without, and one I can't believe nobody told me about before now!! It's called GoodReads and I absolutely love it! It's a free website to post the books you've read, the books you want to read, and see what your friends are reading! It's seriously so cool! I can't get over it. I probably spend too much time on there, when in reality I could be reading more and adding books to my shelves!! It's a great way to get book suggestions and see what people thought about different books. So now you don't have to read about all my books on here, if you're interested you can check them out on GoodReads!! Seriously, check it out!

1 comment:

Cori said...

I love that site, too. Books are so wonderful!